First, Our Name:

At QIE Partners, our services and work ethics are based on Quality, Integrity, and Expertise.  We created the name of our company based on this acronym, and we pronounce “QIE” as “key”. We view our client relationships as strategic partnerships for servicing mortgage loans.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to provide the highest level of Quality, Integrity, and Expertise by providing personal customer service to our clients while meeting investor requirements.

Our History

QIE Partners’ story began in the mid-1990s.  That’s when our founder, Melanie Smith joined Mortgage Dynamics Inc. as a Senior Consultant in Investor Accounting.  Yes, this is when investors’ cutoff reports were printed! Making the appropriate corrections required understanding the sources of information and transactions that impacted the investor reports and reconciliation numbers!  

Back then, Investor Reporting consulting and Custodial Bank Account Reconciliation work required nearly 100% travel, working at the client’s offices.  Over time, banks, credit unions, and mortgage servicers were able to capture the reports electronically. Secure file and data transfers became commonplace.  Electronic reporting paved the way for Melanie Smith to create an Investor Accounting Center for Mortgage Dynamics Inc. in Denver, Colorado with an experienced Investor Reporting and Custodial Bank Account Reconciliation team.

Fast forward to April 2011, when QIE Partners opened, focusing its business primarily on Investor Reporting and Custodial Bank Reconciliations.  We started with just a single client and have grown steadily over the years.  Check out our client map! Our goal is to have at least one customer in every state!

The QIE Partners’ team has experienced significant changes over the years:

  • We’ve gone from working with printed HUD 11710A forms for Ginnie Mae loans, to reporting through MyGinnieMae and preparing for upcoming modernization requirements.  
  • We helped many clients servicing loans for Freddie Mac successfully go through the Investor Reporting Change Initiative (IRCI), going from the 15th of the month cutoff, to the end of the month finalization, and updating the P&I custodial bank account reconciliations with these required changes to servicer processes.  
  • With our clients servicing loans for Fannie Mae, who had monthly-amortizing, bi-weekly, daily-simple-interest (DSI), and odd-due date loans, we helped them with the required investor reporting and custodial account reconciliations under Fannie Mae’s actual/actual, scheduled/actual, and scheduled/scheduled remittance type requirements.

Our Summary

QIE Partners has proven expertise and success with our clients and their investors. We have a team-concept organizational structure that provides customer support across multiple time zones, allows for segregation of duties to provide the highest level of control in investor reporting and investor custodial reconciliations.  All of our team members are W-2 employees working within the USA.  QIE Partners does not use subcontractors or contract workers.

Client quotes about qie partners

The statements on this page are direct quotes from our clients, which include banks, credit unions and mortgage companies. Due to the confidential nature of our business and in accordance with client agreements, we will only provide a client’s name upon express written permission from that client.”


 “Thank you again for the excellent work you did on our reconciliations for Freddie Mac. We are very glad to have that behind us.”


 “We are in awe of your work.  It was brilliant and beautiful and unbelievably fast.  You are heroes?  We are excited to finish this project with you.”


“A HUGE thank you Dirk for your late night/early morning in helping us meet the reporting deadline for our Ginnie Mae loans.”


“Thank you, Susan. I appreciate the work you do for us with our Freddie Mac recon!”



“Thank you very much for your and your teams’ help and support with our Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans! You guys are great partners!”


“This GNMA reconciliation is like the Mona Lisa!”


“Thank you for finding the detailed issues with our Fannie Mae loans from our system conversion.  These are great finds!”


“We are not only excited to work with you, but grateful for you as well. You guys are a lifesaver in whipping out the Ginnie Mae recons for our audit.


“Tarien has done a great job on the FNMA schedules. She was able to work through all our merger related issues and has been very helpful on our follow-up questions.”


“No investor reporting findings!!!!  Thank you everyone for all your hard work, effort and dedication in getting everything submitted and put together for the GNMA Audit. We just ended the exit call with the Auditor and she was extremely thankful that our team was able to get her everything she needed in a timely and expedited manner!”


“Good morning Melanie and Susan, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to go over the Freddie Mac monthly balancing reports and supporting documentation with us yesterday. This was very helpful and hopefully will allow us to resolve some of the long outstanding issues. Thanks again!”


“That’s about a clean of reconciliation as I’ve seen for the Freddie Mac account. Thanks for all your work, Susan.”


“You all have my great respect, admiration and gratitude for helping us through this remediation process, and we most certainly couldn’t have done it without you!”


“The most beautiful recon I’ve ever seen!! Thank you, Jeremy!”

Copyright © 2024 QIE Partners. All Rights Reserved.

Phone (303) 808–5878

PO Box 100945, Denver CO 80250